There are speakers you plug your iPhone into with a cable. Speakers you connect to with Bluetooth. Speakers that passively amplify sound (this is the old plastic cup trick). The Legato CH-PS840 from Chinon is one of the latter, but it’s also different than other passive amps on the market. For starters, each of the docks is handcrafted from ash hardwood because of it’s stability and sonic performance. The wood is sculpted into a horn shape to organically boost sound volume, particularly in the lows and mid-highs. Aside from the horn shaped out of natural wood, it also has a built-in USB connector designed to charge your iPhone (4+). The passive amp itself doesn’t require any electricity, but the docking and charging is a nice touch because no one is going to carry around a solid wooden horn anyway. It’s too pretty for that. Hell, you could even use it for conference calls if you wanted.